kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jan. 26, 2007

friday night
7:35 p.m.

you need passports now for mexico or canada, so i've been taking a lot of passport pics at work, ugh i hate it. it's not MY fault you look old, lady...you ARE old.

the nude self portrait day i suggested at cooper's is on for next week. anonymous or not, demure or full-on x-rated...it should be fun.

his mom died this week. i'm glad she's not suffering anymore.

heim's cd's are great, been listening in the car.

talked to a cool kid in the gaydot room last night. he had a picture of p's BF who died last year on his hot list, i told him about that. he knew, he knows p. we started chatting. pretty cool guy. has kinda obscured pics on his profile, he mailed me one, YOW! thai, really cute. going to nursing school. said "oh, i like daddies sometimes!" we must have talked for an hour. he lives close to my work, as it turns out. we might do lunch sometime. sounds pretty level headed and smart. not a ho. i think i conveyed that i like asians without sounding fetish-y about it. he knows ricky, i need to pump HIM ;) for some info maybe.

i have options, right?

this weekend is up in the air right now. steve said he was going crazy with school, but it's the first week. would be nice to hang, it's been a few weeks. he was up till 3:30 am doing homework, poor baby.

i was reading some entries from mid-'05...i'm not sure who that guy was, in a way. i'm really so much calmer now.

no, really, i AM!

i was searching for a richard hell song for my myspace ( i used "i'm your man" for a few days) and at the bottom of the search was this guy called richard hellweg. he has this amazing song called "scream if you want it" that i'm using now. he hasnt been on myspace for months. just has the one song posted. can't find out anything about him...weird.

van halen to reunite with DLR for a big tour. whores. i'm sure they all hate each other but there's millions to be made. the bass player got the boot so eddie and valerie's 15 year old son wolfgang is filling in. he'll be in rehab in a year i bet.

and i wonder how many extra musicians the police will hire to prop them up if they go out on tour.

bite the bullet and smile.

oh well.

ok time for dinner.

me love you long time.


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