kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jan. 29, 2007

6:17 p.m.

it's so funny that both the fresh prince and marky mark are up for oscars this year.

good lord, did you see the ad for that new nicolas cage movie? he rides a motorcycle and his head turns into a flaming skull...i mean, whatever!!!

such weird stuff in the news...that 29 yr old guy posing as a 12 year old in arizona...he went to school for a few months last year and raised no suspicion. i saw his pic, he sure didn't look 12. he was living with 2 other guys, they were all sex offenders. the guy he was having sex with was "dissapointed" to find out he wasn't 12. too weird.

and that kid in georgia who got 10 yrs in prison for getting a blowjob from a 15 yr old girl..he was 17 at the time, had never been in trouble...insane! the law since been changed but he's been in jail for 2 years!

steve cound't make it this weekend, but we had a nice chat saturday morning. i had my cam on, wearing my cowboy hat and flexing my guns, HA! i was gonna wave the little guy at him but his kids were around :)

tomorrow is naked day at cooper's blog, should be a riot!

saw a good portion of "supersize me" last night, really makes you think...the guy was hot actually...i took me all day to think of who he reminded me of..it's the actor that played toby on OZ..i'm a sucker for horseshoe moustaches.

did my 5 miles tonight.

ok, time to go eat something healthy.


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