kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Feb. 07, 2007

7:55 p.m.

we had a nice big rain today.

took the pic down yesterday. will find out friday.

wow, had a long chat with tony last night. we have been in commuication once in a while, but we haven't talked like that in a year. he feels a bit sheepish about how he kinda vanished on me. hell, it's all good. it was fun, what we had. apparently he found a daddy and is living in oklahoma. he's gonna write me a letter, has some stuff to get off his chest, i can't wait. but i told him not to feel bad. it's all good. oops i said that already didn't i?

ok, time for dinner. veggie stir fry.

top designer at 10.

back soon with something of substance.


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