kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007

late sunday
11:24 p.m.

overheard at the mini-mart today:

woman: "is that the one that handcuffed herself to you that time?"

male clerk: "yeah, and then i found out she was 17 when she tried to buy cigarettes!"

cheese with habeneros is way hotter than cheese with jalepenos!

i picked up meet the fockers for cheap at safeway. i was let down, it was nowhere near as good as the first one.

kinda half-watched the oscars. glad scorcese finally won, but shit, he should have won for taxi driver, raging bull, goodfellas...

i'm not into dreamgirls, but yay for jennifer hudson! that's such an amazing cinderella story.

marky mark and the fresh price went home losers.

i really want to see the queen.

some guy came on to me pretty strong at gaydot tonight. i had to tell him i'm...old fashioned. he should go to craiglist, plenty of ho's on there.

oh well.

ok, see ya next time.


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