kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Mar. 19, 2007

another list
4:59 p.m.

1. my boss asked me today if i really liked borat. i said yes, of course it was a riot. she didn't "get" it. i said wasn't it funny how those dumb fratboys, and cowboys and others made fools of themselves? nope, she didn't get it. but, she thinks james blunt is wonderful.

2. and actually, there's a NEW james blunt. his name is james morrison, and wow, is he awful. probably win the best new artist grammy next year. or at least he'll be in the running.

3. someone at work smells like pee again, and gee, isn't it fun getting older?

4. i saw a cool movie this weekend called C.S.A. it's a mocumentary about what might have happened if the south had won the civil war. it's presented as a british documentary on american tv. there's commercial breaks that are outrageous, there's a lot of humor in the film. go google the film's website. i highly recommend it.

5. the cat cannot resist clawing any books or magazines i leave around, it's getting annoying.

6. i think i saw "t", the nice guy i chatted with recently, at the video store yesterday. about 90% sure it was him, but i was shy and just sorta checked him out, haha! very cute...nice height, too. i mailed him last night and asked it that was him, haven't heard back yet.

7. i drove around a block tonight to get a better look at someone. i haven't dine that in years. but it was worth it, trust me.

8. short chat with my mexican son last night.

9. worked early today, home before 5 pm, nice. but i'm tired. hopefully a good night's sleep tonight.

10. NO STEVE this weekend, but the emails continue, which he says he loves.

11. once in a while i wish i WAS a slut, but it passes.

yeah, let's stop right there, ok?




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