kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Apr. 09, 2007

1:05 a.m.

had a nice long chat with rob from jersey today...we remeniced about our fun time in SF a few years ago... he might come to cali this summer, drive up to seattle...i told him there's a couch here for him. he's feeling a bit loneley like me...such a great guy. all that shit he went through when his partner died, he always tells me how sweet i was, it's nice to hear.

maybe you remember this pic?

that's us stoned out of our gourds at the japanese tea garden in golden gate park. we really packed a lot of fun into 24 hours...

also had a long chat with tony saturday afternoon. he's still in OK with that daddy, but they are just roomies now...hmmm. he said they really have nothing in common....he said "i don't know why i didn't see that." probably what would have happened to us, actually.

tony...fuck. like i said the other day, that was an intense 6 months for me. but it was fun.

here he is with HIS black kitty:

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tonight i talked with todd for a bit. that WAS him at the video store a few weeks ago probably, he goes there a lot. likes john waters movies, hmmm...he really is cute, but...i dunno.

bought some new work clothes and shoes today. rained this evening.

time for bed, but damn i should shave, i look like i just came down from the hills!

ok then...goodnight.


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