kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007

book 'em dan-o...i'm 5-0!
3:23 p.m.

sheila called.

lisa called from vacaville, damn, we've known each other since jr. high!

and...some sexy motherfucker called and sang happy birthday to me in japanese!

at work the marquee outside says...well, i'll show you later, i have pics to scan.

and a pink gorilla delivered balloons, hehe, i saw the party place truck pull up and i told tom "that better not be for ME!"

i could only find one sally o'malley clip, those fuckers at NBC have pulled a lot of old SNL stuff off of youtube that they didn't post... oh well. it's not the best one, but it's not bad...

Get video codes at Bolt.

ok i'll have some pics tomorrow.



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