kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, May. 21, 2007

yin and yang
9:26 p.m.

my boss's husband went through all that chemo, he ended up in the hospital cuz he was throwing up blood, he had a pretty rough time. and after all that, the cancer didn't shrink, it grew. that's the one on his chest wall right by his heart. he has too much scar tissue there, so there's certain things they can't do but they're gonna go to SF for some other treatments. and he has another small mass on his lung. shit, he's only 40.

in lighter news, had my date yesterday. we walked around downtown, went down to the bay, hit some stores and browsed, heard some jazz and saw some art, had dinner and went for a drive. it was almost raining, very heavy drizzle.

that's some art from the basement, the kids art is always fun. that runner looks a bit odd, yes?

dylan is pretty cool. it's not so much a language barrier as an accent barrier. i feel bad if i have to ask him to repeat things too much, but that will lessen if we hang out more, i'm sure.

so yeah, it was fun. interesting. we're chatting right now, actually.

that guy from mckinleyville got a little pissy and gave up on me, he never figured out to give me his email. then he sorta apologized, but i STILL can't contact him, oh well.

steve sends youtubes at 3 am, he must be working that early shift.

what's that mae west line...."it's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men!"


ok, i'm outta here!


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