kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 25, 2007

10:00 a.m.

broke something off the toilet a few days ago...tried to repair it myself...only made it worse of course.

you DON'T wanna know how and where i've been pooping the last few days!

the plumbers just left, one of them was one of my regulars at work. the cat is so cool around strangers, it always surprises me.

been a long week. 3 day weekend starts tomorrow.

dylan on cam last night, "look what i bought you!"

i said "what is that, a wheel for my wheelchair???"

it was an AB ROLLER! that was sweet.

so, goodbye beauty belly, haha!

i guess we'll hang out soon.

that OTHER boy is still pretty quiet :( i just hate feeling like i'm naggin' him.



gotta get ready for work...


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