kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, May. 28, 2007

who DOESN'T love young coconut meat?
1:37 a.m.

d. came over at 3 after work. he brought dinner from hunan's and made me a vietnamese dessert..young coconut meat and tapioca pearls in coconut milk, mixed with toddy palm's seed and jackfruits...i had to google those last items...jackfruits get HUGE!

i did pretty good with the chopsticks!

watched prada and talked...he has 12 brothers and sisters.

took some more pics of him, good stuff.

this isn't gonna turn into anything big, i already know that. but he's someone cool and interesting and different to hang with...we had a pretty fun evening.

oh, and of course the cat warmed right up to him. i think he senses if someone is in the house with me it's cool.

i miss...oh you know who i miss.

got some fun movies to watch tomorrow.

ok, off to bed.


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