kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jun. 29, 2007

the week in review:
7:26 p.m.

had a fun but busy week.

monday worked down south.

tuesday paul and ringo on larry king.

wednesday paris hilton on larry king. ( boring, lame) oh, and top chef...dale almost won.

last night at 2am i was camming with tall boy, he was laughing when i showed him my datebook with the kitties on it, then he really cracked up when i showed him my bratz notebook. he said "remind me, exactly WHY are we friends???" i said "i have no idea!" he's a fun guy, i'm sure we're gonna hang out and chill sometime...buddy stuff, not date stuff. we might go up to fern canyon.

oh, and yesterday dylan came in to buy his oj, he hasn't done that since we started dating, so that was a treat.

today? oh...work work work. got a 3 day weekend, yay!

a sleepover would be fun. my bed is noisy. uhh, what i mean is it's wooden and creaky.

other stuff happened this week, nothing major, but i'm in a take-notes-and-write-later mood.

talk to ya after the weekend.


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