kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 02, 2007

more of the same but i ain't complainin'
1:55 p.m.

damn, my connection sucks BALLS today.

ok, sorry if i'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but i had yet another fun weekend :)

dylan came over saturday. i made chicken sandwiches. some safeway coleslaw that i boosted with tomatoes, green onions, corn, carrots and pickles.

i bought some cantelope and grapes and of COURSE he brought the same, haha, yet again. also peaches and raspberries, so he made a nice dessert.

scott said him and don thought they saw dylan in safeway. they were right.

dylan brought a bunch of movies over, one of 'em was "straight-jacket" which is by the same director who made "girls will be girls" (i think kev still has my dvd)...it's a great little movie, kind of a 50's parody...about a big hollywood star who's gay and marries a woman to cover it up...that whole rock hudson thing.

oh, and we watched last week's top chef.

got a couple of very good pics of the boy. took these without the flash, but i tweeked 'em a bit...

he's one of those people who look totally different when they take their glasses off. younger or something, i dunno.

he liked the t shirt i bought him. he said he wore it to bed, awww!

had a long voice/cam chat with alfredo from mexico this morning at like 4am...we haven't chatted in a few months...

he's been playing online video games with people and his english is getting very good. he was always too shy to talk much before. his mom is in L.A. and he might be getting a work visa soon. he talked me into a quick j/o and then we both went to bed.

looks like i have the 4th off after all. we'll probably go downtown for the festival and then back later for fireworks. i had an invite for a party but, i dunno, i heard how wild it got last year...

i don't know what's going on. we're not exactly bf's. but seeing each other pretty regularly. fun is being had.

i still miss steve.

just goin' with the flow...why not, right?

ok, daddy's got shit to do!



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