kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jul. 26, 2007

1:20 a.m.

here's the 3 pics i'm submitting to the "images of water" show tomorrow at the museum:

the first one doesn't really translate that great here, but it looks pretty good, actually.

that middle one is out at elk river in the headwaters forest, right close to where my dad grew up.

the last one is probably one of my 10 favorite pics i've taken...i've really got my fingers crossed on that one.

won't find out till tuesday if i got in the show.

i'm STIll eating dylan's soup from saturday. the lemongrass and ginger are getting real soft and the flavor gets more intense every day.

my cold is almost gone, the coughing is feeling good and loose.

we're gonna go see hairspray saturday night.

ok...back soon.


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