kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007

i got in!
7:50 p.m.

ok, got one picture in the show!

this is a quick mock-up of what it looks like, there's actually a little less matting on it, i just did this online real fast:

made great chicken and pasta saturday. then we went to see hairspray. it was fun. a few of the songs were way corny for me, but overall it was great. the black kids' dancing and singing were especially hot. i only had 2 quibbles...tracy's outfit at the end...1962 was too early for knee-high go-go boots. and also she said "groovy" at one point..i don't even think the beatnicks were saying groovy in 62...i could be wrong though.

travolta was way better than i was expecting. the number he and chris walken did was really great.

the boy and i kinda had our first little fight saturday night after the movie. i'm not gonna go into details cuz it would sound ridiculous. but it's pretty much blown over. oh well, that's what being alive is all about. we ARE quite different people.

he's gonna make me curry chicken this weekend.

guess we'll be down at the museum saturday night to see if i win anything. i might see if sheila and kevin would like to come up.

i've been...not exactly playing matchmaker, but just sorta trying to throw 2 boys together who would probably both benefit from hanging out together. i'm trying to not relay too much he-said-he-said back and forth. one of 'em is being a bit stubborn but i would expect no less from him actually. you can spread your wings a little and still be able to find your way home, ok?

i flirted with a hot guy who works for the garbage company today...showed him the new candy we carry, him and his co-worker were in a few weeks ago and we were all chatting. god damn, that man is hot. he touched my arm tonight and i was like boing!

ok. that's all from here.



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