kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2007

county fair, etc.
12:04 a.m.

saturday night we went to the county fair. there's a video at the end of this entry.

this picture is for scott...

who recently said about another picture: "The boy looks just like the cat does when it gets aggravated and fed up with you."

did a kinda quick run-through at the fair, saw flowers, art, some animals...bought some thai food and brought it home. the thai iced tea was tasty! dylan had made some great fruit cocktail, it had all kinds of stuff in it. real sweet. watched some tv, etc ;)

oh, but before we went to ferndale, we did a quick video chat with sw...

ehh, not the greatest pic, but whatev. my hands were too busy during the tummy tickle/nipple pinch portion of the show to hit "print screen"! but seriously, it didn't go beyond a PG rating!

on the way home i took these pics...i feel a new series coming on...

mmm, i really like those.

anyhoo, i took a bunch of short vid clips at the fair. it added up to 15 minutes! too long for youtube but not for yahoo videos...it's just random stuff, i don't expect you to get through the whole thing, but take a look if ya can.


hung out for a while sunday night too. the boy fell asleep for a bit, it was cozy.
oh, and he bought me another shirt!

walked 8 miles today. daddy's tired.



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