kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Sept. 04, 2007

summer's over, let's party!
2:54 p.m.

went to an end-of-summer bbq out at kevin and dan's sunday...wow, i haven't been out there for a year.

took an assortment of chocolate cheese cake slices and a rose for kev...it was his b-day but it wasn't a b-day party...

good food, good people, good times. nice and mellow. saw some people i haven't seen for a while. didn't quite know who everyone was. dylan got to meet some of my friends, that was fun. his mailman who delivers at his work was there, they sorta recognized each other. oh lord, does that man look good naked. (no, not at the party, sillies!)

we explored some parts of the property i havent really seen before..it's so awesome out there. saw all of dan's chickens and other birds.

my buddy scott was there, that was a treat. his poopyhead husband stayed home.

had some good curried fish, a burger, some bbq'd corn...various salads and stuff, all real yummy. oh, but get this, i found out from dan when we were leaving that this one guy who is ALLERGIC to chocolate had a piece of my cheesecake, WTF??? all the varieties were brown to some extent, what did her THINK it was? i guess he took a benedril...glad he didn't DIE, that would have put a damper on things, huh?

was fun to catch up with everyone. was a beautiful sunny sunday. dylan was a bit shy but he had a good time.

ok, pics? of course...

a cute baby. woodii in the hammock.

dylan checks out dan's huge cock.

the little man casts a big shadow.

the "it's-not-a-birthday-party" birthday boy.

scott apparently getting ready to hit me.

can you spot the horse-hung mailman?

SOMEONE'S hand seemingly reaching for a nice ass...

unidentified airborne homosexual gentleman.

ok, gotta get back to work here...



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