kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007

9:58 p.m.

had a good weekend, as usual! ehh, i'll tell ya about that later.

tonight i'm gonna pimp my buddy scott heim a bit. his new book "we disappear" will be out next spring. here's 2 short vids, one of scott giving a quick synopsis of the book and one of him answering some interesting questions!

here's the cover, it's not top secret anymore...

scott is also the author of "mysterious skin" and "in awe". i can't recommend them highly enough.

a few years ago mysterious skin was made into an excellent film, one of those rare times they didn't fuck up a much-loved book. here's the trailer:

if you haven't seen it, go rent it NOW!

and scott's always entertaining and informative blog is HERE...his music picks are especially yummy!

ok, that's all for now. have to work a rare friday tomorrow.



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