kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Dec. 28, 2007

xmas recap
2:21 p.m.

dylan got up at 5:30am to cook! this is what he brought over christmas afternoon:

he didn't have a present for me, but i figured ok, he gave me that calendar and sweater last week, and he worked half the day cooking...fair enough.

but then wednesday morning he called me and said he got me all 3 seasons of "the office", which was the perfect gift, as i've been totally into it the last few weeks, renting 'em.

so that was very cool.

he hasn't used his gift card for groceries yet, so he doesn't know how much money is on it...(300 bucks, ssshhhhh!)

got my new glasses the day after xmas, here's me lookin' groovy in one of the 2 pairs i got:

those are the thick black ones...but the inside is white, very hip!

cat's doin' fine, i have a video to show ya next time.

ok, on lunch here, that is all.



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