kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jan. 03, 2008

two thousand and eight!
7:40 p.m.

ok, first of all, here's the before-and-after cat tail video:

NYE was nice and uneventful. dyl came over and we watched some tv. he went home early as he wasn't feeling well. moday after work he came over with another nice feast, my favorite spring rolls. and we had more last night, yummyyummyum!

the first was also his birthday, i got him a nice little fern in a basket with a ceramic bird, and a 25 dollar gas card...

he hung out till midnight last night, we watched runway and that new supermodel show...it was like the first few shows on american idol, where people think they're good and they ain't!

oh, and here's a weird little thing i made right after midnight. it doesn't really MEAN anything..i'ts just my good side!

workin' on some art projects...keeps me off the streets, right?

trying to get back into atkins. OF COURSE i gained 5, 6, 7, or 8 lbs over the holidays, it can't be helped!

arts alive saturday. i'm sure i won't win anything, but i'm gonna be there for the awards ceremony, just in case :) just talked to sheila, maybe they will come up for that. today was maggie's birthday (19!) and sheila's is the 10th...maybe we can go out for a bite after the art stuff.

the closest i've got to NY resolutions is i wanna watch more history channel and science stuff. edjamacation is always a good thing!

ok, time for a little protein.



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