kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Apr. 05, 2008

hi there
3:49 p.m.

went to arcata last saturday, got a good look at the imac...mmm, oh yes.

a cute redhead freckle boy helped me, he'll be the one to transfer my files from the old computer.

oh i wont get it for a while, maybe a month or so, get the credit card paid down, etc.

garage band comes with the imac, i was checking out some songs people have made with it on youtube...not too impressed, but they're probably all 14 year old boys. i'm sure i can come up with something cool.

been playing with the picaboo book publishing software, i kinda have a tentative idea what order i would do the pictures in... these are all black and white shots from SF. but i'll probably end up using the apple program once i have the imac, the prices are pretty low.

last sunday i went to the store for a few minutes...some lady was in there, puking in our wastebaskets..i didn;t see her, but i guess it got worse after i left. she was puking all over the place, and there were some nurses in the store who knew her, and said dhe had hepatitis and that they should clean it up with bleach, etc. she puked some more, they called an ambulance, but she didn't want to go i guess. the she continured SHOPPING! god, i would have been too embarassed if i had puked in public, i would have run out of there! i guess they called the ambulance again, and the cops too, and eventually they got her out of there.

carole wouldn't sell cigs to some young looking guy who didn't have ID and he freaked and was yelling at her, calling her a "coke whore"...i missed that too.

my ex-boss who's husband has has so much cancer is doing worse..he's at home, getting hospice care. he's all out of it on morphine and is saying stuff to his wife like "get me some coffee, you fucking bitch!" it's so sad, he's only like 40.

it was just kind of a weird week all around.

oh, but last week i talked an elderly lady out of sending almost 3000 bucks via western union, to canada, that' always a sweepstakes scam. took a few minutes for her to admit it to me, she said it was to family at first, but i know better. she said she wasn't worried, cuz the IRS told her it was ok. i asked how she talked to the IRS, she said "oh, they called ME!" oy! i convinced her it was a scam, and when she left i called safeway to alert them. i hope she really believed me. i just sick to my stomach when this happens.

saw several episodes of season 4 of the office online at hulu, some great stuff.

dylan lent me the fisrt season of that HBO thing, "rome" but i haven't started it yet.

we're going downtown for arts alive tonight.

ok back "soon", whatever that means :)



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