kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Apr. 10, 2008

11:23 p.m.

oliver next door has vanished. we last saw him sunday. the lady next door came over the other night asking if i had seen him. the night before jack and amy asked me also.

oh, he was a pain most of the time, jumping in the window and eating buddy's food. i would kick him out the front door and he'd jump back in the kitchen window 2 minutes later...kinda like mr. brown used to do.

but i would dump buddy's leftovers outside for him, so i GUESS i kinda liked him. but he was such a grump, always hissing and clawing.

i have a feeling he's not coming back. one of the daughters said well he liked to start fights...that's for sure! him and buddy got into it once or twice, lots of flyin' fur..mostly oliver's. i bet he started a fight he couldn't finish. poor little guy.

here's 2 videos i don't think i've posted here...

buddy seems to sense that he's gone, i think. i mean, yeah, they would fight and snarl, but other times i'd pull up and they'd both be sittin, hangin' out.

oh, march 26th was six years of not drinking!

and tomorrow is my birthday. i'm gonna go to borders and buy a load of magazines and lay on the couch all day!

i'll ba back soon, older but no wiser :)



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