kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 30, 2008

firday night....and new pics!
1:01 a.m.


i CAN post more than once a week!

crazy day at work today, the machines...ohh, it's boring to write about. but i kept up with the rush and did a ton of pictures. why does everyone come at once?

(that's what she said!)

staying in contact with steve in taiwan. we chat, email, etc. saw 2 vids of his apt and one of him at the night market. directed him to the taiwan room at gaydot, i think he's starting to understand the beauty of asian men. but most of the guys in that room seem to be between 24 and 27...and i think steve sorta has a block about younger guys..i mean, he's got kids.

but yeah, if i was there, ...oy.

called the boy at work but he was busy with a customer. i went grocery shopping and he was here when i got home. i made him tofu and veggies with garlic ginger sauce and lemon juice.

snuggled...saw most of "pleasantville" i really liked it.

watched reno 911, that show is genius!

told him he was being very "asian" tonight, haha! he smiled. he's so...stoic at times.

he brought me ALL of sex in the city on dvd... we were watching that last night, the episode where carrie is going out with the comic book store guy, who lives with his parents and isn't supposed to have weed in the house...his mom comes home and smells it...carrie covers and says "yes, i brought it into this house...and i'm takin' it with me when i leave!"

here's a few pics i've done with the picassa thing:

that's the deyoung tower back there.

a crop of a pic of the ocean park in SF:

i made it look like a prison!

and here's a shot from our trip to patricks point last year:

oh...HI ANN! nice to hear from you, i'll email you soon.

ok, 3 day weekend starts tomorrow. i have tons of chores planned. we'll see what gets done!



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