kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jun. 20, 2008

10:36 p.m.

been working in the garden every day. last weekend in addition to all the hedge chopping, i cleared out the corner that was overrun with berry vines...here's a before and after look...

this week i got it cleaned up even more, and the other night me and dylan planted some zuchinni, tomatoes, parsley and mint. it's a pretty small space, but you know how zuchini grow...like crazy!

and i planted some flowers in the old burn barrell...some lobelia and some other stuff that will drape over the edges nicely.

today i chopped more hedge, the front side to the right of the opening...i will have to do a video when it's all cleaned up.

i have a pile of branches about the size of my car! i'm gradually cutting them into smaller pieces. the leaves will all die off and then maybe i can stuff the extra garbage can full for a few weeks...or longer :)

made a salad tonight with quinoa and soybeans and carrots and peppers...been shopping regularly at eureka natural foods, good stuff. that red thai rice was really good.

but hey, i just had a candy bar, haha!

dyl was over tonight for a bit, then we were messaging in vietnamese...i have a translator, but i think it all comes out kinda weird anyway.

oh, here's buddy in the backyard last weekend...decorated with grass and golden chain flowers. he looks pissed!

off today, work tomorrow, off sunday, ugh. got a new machine at work, a new photo kiosk for customer use, but some of my other equipment is slowly dying...it's stressful.

if gay marriage gets overturned in november, all the marriages being done now will be voided. that sucks. and i'm pretty sure it WILL get overturned.

i'll leave you with what i feel is my first actual garageband song....sure it's pretty simple, but...i think it's my best so far:

a little bit of thunder and lightning here tonight, very rare for us.

ok, the cat's on the top of my chairback here, he wants some lovin!

byeeee for now,


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