kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jul. 03, 2008

3:15 p.m.

on lunch here, it'll be a quickie!

got invited to dan/kev/joel's 4th party, can't go, i'm working :(

dylan is going to L.A. tomorrow till tuesday. i lent him some monies so he can stock up on supplies, with the provision that he bring me back a big jar of chopped lemongrass. i'm gonna put that shit in EVERYTHING!

sheila is gonna go to arts alive with me saturday...i still dunno which of my 2 pics got in the show, i'll be surprised if it was the teeny little one.

the latest fashion trend here seems to be white sunglasses...on the st8 boys. looks gay to me :

ok, some pics!

the hedge.. imagine it 3 feet thicker!:

the front flowerbed, before and after:

i'll show more later when the flowers i planted are all purty.

dylan helping with the ivy:

a nice sky one evening:

this looks like smoke from the fires has made it's way here:

ok, back to work!


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