kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jul. 20, 2008

a song for the dying
12:36 p.m.

today is my one day off this week. laundry's drying.

to do:

drop by work, give matt the book he won in my myspace contest.

listen to the rest of rob's podcast.

yardwork: chop more branches, fill 2nd garbage can.

dinner: no idea.

balance checkbook, pay some bills.

other news:

reconnected with b. in montana, we had a umm, cyberdate a few years ago. reading his blog, he takes great pictures.

i was in the paper this week. well, my name was...about the exhibit.

doing some more NIN remixes, and i got the tracks from shock the monkey, making it very spacey.

speaking of the paper, saw this obit this morning, some guy down in sebastapol...almost made me cry...

"He was a lifelong music lover. Just a week before he died at his mother�s Sebastopol home, he was given a special surprise. As his family of brothers, sisters, grandchildren, cousins, in-laws and his mother surrounded him, seven musicians walked into the bedroom where he lay dying of graft vs. host disease, the by product of two stem cell transplants to defend against multiple myaloma cancer.

�Dad, we have a surprise for you, can you wake up?� said his son.

Opening his eyes he was greeted by one of his favorite bands - Los Lobos. They brought with them a brand new black Gibson guitar, autographed in their silver names for in front of his bed.

They had flown into Oakland, were driving up north as headliners at the Kate Wolf Festival and Mark was on the way, so these kind hearted musicians just dropped by to hold vigil with their voices and their music at Marko�s bedside.

This special memory will be shared forever by the people who loved Marko and who will relate the tale to his grandchildren - about the fine voices as they sung in harmonies, of life and pain, elegy and homage to the brave man who struggled so valiantly through two stem cell transplants."

hmm, who would YOU want to come play for you on your deathbed?

chores are callin'.

later bitches.


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