kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jul. 16, 2008

still playing around with trent
11:54 p.m.

i'm still doing NIN remixes...some of them can take 6-7 hours, but i really get into it, the time flies. i'm sticking to the self-imposed rules i made: i can't add anything from garageband, i can only take stuff out and i think when i downloaded the files i did something wrong...i can adjust volume and change where the sound is, left or right, but i can't add any affects, which is just as well, cuz i would have probaby made a big soupy mess of things overdoing the reverb and stuff. but that's ok, cuz changing keys and chopping stuff up and rearranging is plenty for me. here's 2 more, the first is more crunchy and the other 2 are softer:

i'm kinda bummed the sound doesn't come out as good on youtube on the louder stuff...the loud parts can muffle the drums, etc...but damn, they sound good when i load them into itunes.

but all in all, it's a good learning experience, and i'm having a ball.

garageband has lots of tablas but no sitars. and it really needs...uh...more cowbell!

dyl came over tonight with oysters his neighbor fried up...i had like half of one and that was it. never really liked 'em....the cat did!

he''s been acting a little weird (the cat, not dylan! dylan's always weird!) he comes inside and will just sit and stare at the wall..or he'll come in, eat, and the second he's done he RUNS outside...he's not acting like he's sick or anything, it's almost like he's depressed...he was out sitting on the grass last night at 2 am...it was drizzly...i brought him in and he slept on me for a while and then ran back out, but in the morning he's on top of me...

agin, this is buddy, not dylan, haha!

oh! monday was fun..my check from bush finally came, and i got something from the museum...my picture sold! i got 45 dollars after their cut...jack next door bought it!

i wish i could buy his male torso sculpture, the ass looks just like the boy's, but i think it's like 3000 bucks. i need to see if he still has some stuff online.

and friday's check will have my holiday pay for the fourth, so i'll be rollin in dough, yay!

we watched project runway tonight, of course. i like it when there's a bit fewer people on it...but it's always entertaining.

did you see obama's picture on the cover of rolling stone? no headlines, just the logo and him..it looked like someone died!

if he wins, this will be the first prez younger than me...wow, that seems weird.

ok, back to some more remixing before bed...


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