kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jul. 27, 2008

hello there, sunday afternoon!
1:01 p.m.

ok....here we go:

i've had the imac for 50 days.


$33.81 per day.

$1.41 per hour.

less than 2.5 cents per minute.

i LOVE calculating that, i dunno why.

just finished more yardwork.

mike might come over before he works at 5 to watch the rest of "to die for". and to have some of the killer chicken salad i made last night.

and dylan said he might fix dinner tonight.

boys and food!

and even though a certain tall boy stretched out on the couch with his legs across my lap the last time he was here (he IS like 8 feet tall!) you know there's only ONE i cuddle with and stuff.

mmm, STUFF!

oh, and here's a young nazi boy flying through the air:

i made that the other night, i rented "triumph of the will"..did the little tune too.

my 100,000-view banners are only up to around 5000 views so far. this could take weeks!

ok, that's all for now.

love ya more than my luggage.


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