kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jul. 31, 2008

mo' money, less problems
7:28 p.m.

so...this has been a good month for money.

besides the 600 from bush, the 100 from the museum, and the 45 for jack buying the picture, i got 2 bonus checks from work this week, which came to almost 800 bucks. those were retroactive going back to sometime last year, when our contract ran out, and reflects our raise..did that make sense?

money is lubrication. money is freedom.

last night dylan came over with soup:

chicken balls, beets, potatoes, olives (!) and more in a nice rich broth.

i made a fruit/cheese platter:

god, how GAY is that?

oh, and the chicken i made last week was sooo good....baked chicken breasts in lime juice and seasonings with just a TINY sprig of rosemary on top...

damn i was tired at work today. felt a little light headed...almost went home. came here for lunch, made a turkey sammich, took some tylenol...and was super drowsy all afternoon. came home an hour early.

see how tired i look?

wow, daddy needs to shave...so i can be a BOY again.

scott and don came in yesterday. i showed them my NUTS because i was very proud how nice my NUTS turned out. i had been working on my NUTS all afternoon.

right now i can't imagine ANY of these people on runway making it to bryant park. one or 2 show promise...i like it more when it gets down to about 8-10 people. that overly tan guy is scary, and the rocker-chick mamma is starting to remind me of fran dresher..."i'm into leatha!"

the ex-mormon guy is a babe. except for the tatts, ugh.

tomorrow is payday...MORE money, yay!

gotta get to bed at a decent hour tonight...

ok, come back soon.


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