kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 12, 2002

3:21 a.m.

in an html frenzy tonight, i accomplished the following:

1.got the entry title to show up.

2.colored some text.

3.moved the "rings" and "links" links up to the top with the other stuff.

4.kept changing those text colors for about an hour,fun!

5.re-named some(most) rings.

6.made a cool secret link (it's real easy to find, but wow, am i proud of myself!)

hey, click on "links' and check out the little collage i did...

gonna join some more rings, now that i have a nice neat place to put 'em, and don't have to clutter up my austere, clean page...two days and i STILL love it-had one complaint that the entry box is too small...what do YOU think? somehow (while lost deep in codeland) i managed to move the whole box UP a bit...now there are no electrical cords in the way of my gallery link. god, i sound like a real DORK now, don't i? getting more notes, guestbook and survey action-didn't i promose a new survey a while ago? it'll come...


the folks at the T2 group sure seem nice, gonna have to get deep into the action there real soon. hi, violet!


rang up a package of microwave popcorn at work today, and this is how it shows up on the register and receipt-"Act II extreme butt". that made my day, believe me!--- i think they meant "Extreme Butt, Vol. 2", starring Venus Beaver and Guy Bravo!




this place just FEELS different than my other template...i said it the other night, but I AM LIVING IN THE FUTURE...RIGHT NOW! (maybe it's just the font...)*******************************

i love you all-goodnight!

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