kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002

8:31 p.m.

ok, i've got time before bb3 comes on tonight (note to astronautm- your crew may get a liitle more...undressed than ours,but tonight on a special 2-hr. episode,the houseguests get a visit from none other than sheryl crow! WHATEVER! wonder if she's gonna stay the night and "play" with roddy...)

anyhoo, on with the story of buddy the cat and how he narrowly escaped unnecessary surgery on his feline privates.

sunday night i borrowed the cat carrier from judi next door. i had it in the living room and he was eyeing it suspiciously all night-he had made the trip a month earlier in the scary box for his first shots. monday morning he was scheduled for distemper and feline leukemia booster shots, a rabies shot, and (ahem) a little alteration in the nether regions.

i got him in the carrier with little trouble, and we were on our way. (inadvertently appropriate music in the tape deck for the trip: "the price of love" by bryan ferry! i'm finding the coolest old tapes shoved down behind the seat...)got to the vet's, and they asked me if i wanted to have buddy given a blood test to check liver and kidney levels, cuz if those are fucked up, the anethesia could be fatal...it was $32.00...i said no, i'd pass on that. (i'm a bad daddy!) i mean, if he had liver or kidney problems, wouldn't it be obvious?

so i said my good-byes and headed home- i could pick him up later in the afternoon. i was soon sitting on the toilet (sorry!) and of course the phone rang...it was the vet's, asking could i call them! "o.k.", i thought, "i've killed him!" called them back, and the nurse reassured me it was not bad news..(insert BIG exhale here!) she asked me if i had noticed that the tip of one of his ears was missing...(duh!) i had assumed he was in a fight or something before he moved in...(when people ask me about his ear, i always say "i dunno WHAT happened, he won't talk about it.") well, to make a long story short (or is it too late for that?) it seems that recently there was a local program wherein people could bring in wild (or "feral") cats to be neutered for free.. i think you can see where this is going...someone had already done the dirty work for me...they clip the tip of the ear off to identify that the cat's been operated on. stupid me, i asked if they were sure. she said yes, but they has already administered the anethesia, so he was gonna be groggy the rest of the day, but i could pick him up any time. so i went and got him, and we took a nice 4-hr. nap on the couch. got some medicine for his sneezing, (he's sprayed me with kitty snot sevearal times!)... i have to use a dropper to get it in his mouth, which he hates!

so that's about it...a month ago i hated cat people, and now i is one! boy, did he give me some dirty looks over the next 2 days! i know i said i'd never post any cat pictures (there's currently one of the two of us on my profile page), but here's just one more-it's buddy doing his reverse abbey road walk...

special thanks to 3 sweet kitties and their even sweeter lady friend for sending good wishes our way... oh god, i am a goner! but do you know how good i'm sleeping now i've got someone to share the bed with?

ok, that's it for tonight. please come back real soon...g'night friends.

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