kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Aug. 24, 2002

12:15 a.m.

well, last night was certainly a palate cleanser...

talked to my friend keith tonight-our relationship had suffered a kind of breakdown, and we hadn't talked for some time. everything is cool- funny how good friends can sometimes drift apart...a little misunderstanding might actually be good sometimes, if it leads to better communication. i was always pretty sure this rift was fixable, and i was right. keith "gets" me like no one else. we share a common joy in the absurd,the ridiculous, and the just plain funny things that make up this thing called "life". i'm so happy we're talking...bring on the clams! (sorry, private joke!)


hey, i've got a brand new survey up, called "survey 2" (brilliant...how do i do it?) please come by and check it out.


happy birthday, astronautm, ya randy scouse git!


cat back to "normal"... ha!

me, i actually got my hands dirty at work today-we took down the garden dept. canopies...despite what it may have sounded like in last night's entry, i did not spend the day resurfacing the parking lot-that was just poor syntax on my part.


amazing how so many songs from my glorious youth are turning up in commercials these days..."london calling", "should i stay or should i go", "one way or another"... and just how much $$$ has iggy pop made from "lust for life"? now it's being featured on those cruise line spots..it's so funny when you know the lyrics they don't play! that song has been in so many ads! and i still think that "pink moon" vw ad was brilliant...don't you? didn't yoko start all this with nike's "revolution" campaign? oh, and iggy (with the stooges) had "search and destroy" on a nike ad, too...that was TASTY! i wonder if in a few years we're gonna see oh, let's say, eric clapton hawking metamucil...or maybe mick jagger extolling the virtues of viagra..."i STILL sleep with 20-year-old models, thanks to this little blue pill. viagra, you really 'start me up'!"


i don't think i've mentioned it before, but there's a secret link if you click on the picture there above the couch...guess it's not a secret anymore...

thanks for stopping by...g'night!

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