kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002

VALENTINE TROUBLE THING (the day when thinking is entrusted to the chocolate)
12:38 a.m.

ok, here's the deal...i mentioned a long time ago that when doing a search for "kstyle" i found a few different categories...it refers to a brand of motorcycle apparel (ktm), some kind of computer programming thing (i can't make heads or tails out of that one...), and then i get a bunch of links to japanese sites. this last one was the most confusing, cuz they were all in japanese! but then i discovered this altavista place called babelfish that can translate japanese into english. you just copy and paste, and BOOM, you've got it in english! so, from time to time i'm gonna share one of these "kstyle" japanese thingys with ya...enjoy! (this one's for clare...)


* Valentine trouble thing * - K style - Being the world it is said well, meaning of the word, " Valentine " not understanding. You asked to childhood friend. " The Valentine �� �� you say the splash, it is day what which conveys thinking favorite to the person ", Such reply returning. Finally understanding that day what meaning. Hurrying, it began preparation. " It is -... to make some wind, whether the ��... " to Valentine one week after. Today the �� �� which becomes slow in the incident calls new one to do. Freely and easily while to prepare the late boiled rice, you think. Temporarily Valentine seems " the day when thinking is entrusted to the chocolate ". Is, but. As for that name detective sweet ones have come with weak point. " How it will do... " we would like to have rejoicing after all. When with it does, the chocolate after all is useless. " The �� - it is " while the ball is clasped, the variety you think. Valentine thing, the �� - you think new one in the manner which is said the �� which is.... From the new one ���Ƃ�, every year receiving all the way, the �� it is the �� which is -.... Because the among such, by his the among those, " number one would like to be special ". " The �� - to do, - the �� " To Valentine 5 days after. " Don't you think? -, the new one �� " " it is? While " the racketeer racketeer to play with the bed, so it quarries out. " Something there are desired ones? " "? What " " it is suddenly, - the empty. There is no something? " " Desired ones? Now separately however especially it is not... " the �� - it is. It is difficult.... However those which want new one were thought, with, we want some concretely, how format it is or. "... What. Something bean jam? " You think a little and in me who thing have been done, new one the �� sees doubtfully with the pupil. " It is, - and the ��. �� �� in -? " To Valentine 3 days after. So, is, with those which like new one it should have made even with the late boiled rice, it is it isn't? It arrives to the answering finally. Unfortunately, Valentine puts out Wednesday of Sunday sale weekday. Don't you think? go to the dinner eating everywhere, because - probably will be, it means to eat naturally at the house. Don't you think? the �� with reason, the dinner the �� �� which is made that elaborated - it is to be, -? The �� are the �� and the hand are struck. The �� �� it does,! Don't you think? probably doing, -? The Valentine day. As for class of noon slowdown. It starts making cooking cheerfully. It grasps the taste new one it may like, sufficiently. Below attaching to the meat, taste and the hiding taste which is inserted in soup, just as a a little just, with new one specification. " The �� to do ", as for forwarding of the late boiled rice completion. You take next, the dessert. As for truth we would like to make the dessert of the chocolate but in new one which is poor sweet ones taboo. Therefore in the lemon pie which likes new one, today just being able to scatter the chocolate tip/chip a little. Until the chin, with the sound which is said does, producing the chair before the oven, the waist applying, it looks the circumstances which expand motionlessly being packed. Exciting, being desperate, holding down the beat which accelerates. A little, just, soaking in happy feeling. New one returns to, rear several hours. * End *

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