kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Sept. 04, 2002

1:24 p.m.

hello, all, well, i've been working hard on my new template...the few people who have seen it seem to think it's pretty cool- i'm still playing with it, copying some stuff like links and diaryrings, profile stuff, blahblahblah....

speaking of links, i have a new listing for site of the week (THAT only took about 2 1/2 weeks to change...sorry). nobody commented on "it crawled from the bins"...boohoo, poor me...oh well...just click on the red at the bottom of this entry..and gimmie some FEEDBACK, fuckers!

hey, everybody should go over to anx 's diary and read his take on the video music awards...what a great writer! gotta go, my bud rob's in town, hopefully we're gonna go downtown... i'm in the mood for a brownie and some chai tea from 3-2-1 coffee...laterz...

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