kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Oct. 21, 2002

12:19 a.m.


Snipers are bad people. Y'know what pissed me off? That Bin Laden made some comment last week about doing the Jihad because the US is robbing the middle east of it's treasures, it's OIL. This whole fucking thing is about oil?!?! Maybe that was obvious to everyone else, but I thought there was more substance to the argument. Fuck. Let's see, they don't like us taking their treasured oil, so we develop alternate sources for energy. We won't have to depend on foreign oil, then right? So if no one needs the oil anymore, it becomes worthless. It won't be a treasure. Then several middle eastern governments who've grown rich off their oil won't have that source of income anymore. Then what? Are they fucked? Probably. What a bunch of idiots. Us and them.

Seems like there was something else... Ah, I'll think of it later


....oh, those crazy people over in that place....we have god on our side, remember! it's ok to kill them cuz they won't go to heaven anyway...that's a big question on my mind these days..if there's one god, shouldn't there only be ONE church? as you know, fags don't get to go to heaven, so i guess i can do whatever i want, it's too late for me...had a dream kim gordon died, and i was playing with sonic youth!


Who says "fags" don't go to heaven? Lot's of freaks, I guess. I say they're wrong. I mean, if Keith Haring ain't in heaven and Ronald Reagan is, something's wrong. Or is Reagan dead yet? I can't keep track...

God just wears different outfits for different occasions with different groups of people. He's the same fella, he just acts according to whoever his houseguests are that day. Like Zelig. And there's different churches because of the people, not because of God. I mean, can you imagine the mods and the rockers going to church together?

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