kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Nov. 07, 2002

tick, tick, tick... (and site of the week update!)
10:33 p.m.

here's something to make you think about how big the world really is...CLICK HERE...

oh hey, i just updated the site of the week...it's the best of the many sites featuring "thrift store art". lots of cool stuff - click on "galleries" to see the whole collection. some cool sounding links too, that i've only started to explore...it's like the man says..."If you're not quite sure what sort of "Art" could be found in a thrift store for less than $25, if you're a serious art historian, or if you listen to opera frequently, then you should probably visit The Louvre or something."

some GREAT stuff for your desktop!

now get clickin'!

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