kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002

a hot night in december...
afternoon / evening

well, last night i had a really fun time with a young college friend of mine. we were going at it for a couple of hours, i guess. then another college boy stopped by and joined in! wow, two at once...that was sure something i've never experienced before! i was so worn out that i left and let them carry on without me...whew, what a night!

yes indeed....this instant messaging is really something.

what did you THINK i was talking about?


5:15 p.m.

"messaging"? that's not right, is it? "messangering"? hmmmm. actually, right now i'd like an instant massage, but that's just me.

i can tell it's getting close to christmas because people are getting RUDER...

today a man dropped off a roll of film and when we opened the envelope up, there was a vial of nitroglycerine tablets inside!


7:30 p.m.

we had a bit of a quake last night...the epicenter was only 6 miles away! that's close enough, thank you. rattled the windows...click HERE for info...and you can click on the little blue square for more details... i LOVE that usgs site! so handy. so... yes, i guess you COULD say the earth moved last night...

barbara has started a nifty little thing here at diaryland called sins-to tell. it's an open diary, so anyone can post. did you do something awful and really need to confess and cleanse your soul? go HERE and you shall be forgiven, my child...

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