kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Dec. 09, 2002

where is my mind...?
5:16 p.m.

latest google:

"nelly world series"

hmmm...better look THAT one up on OUTSPORTS...


weird sentences rolling around in my head last night while trying to get to sleep:

"how many pixels ARE you?"

"there's nothing wrong with the table...we're ALL crooked here." (something like that...)


today our manager put some film in under the name "jello biafra" and i was so busy i didn't even notice it...today was even worse than yesterday...i thought my help was coming in at 12:30, but no, i read the schedule wrong. it was 4:30, which was when i left. so, all alone again. several times during the day i was waiting on customers, developing film, making photo cd's and sending money transfers, all at the same time. fun? no.

but my weekend has started, rob's coming down thursday and staying with me a couple of days, and i promise to relax.


i do a pretty good butthead "uhhuh...huhuh", but then, who doesn't?


i'm jealous of jr, cuz his is BIGGER than mine...at least i'm bigger than mel, his is pretty small. BUT, i do know a girl who's got one the exact same size as mine! (i dunno how i feel about THAT!)

that's right, all you pervs out there...i'm talking about....


speaking of wishlists, let all get segways, shall we?



tokk a little nap on the couch...i see some of my crew are chattin' up a storm...i'm still a little groggy (and hungry), i think i'll pass on the gabfest right now. last night, while i was talking to steve, there was some noise in here, like something fell behind the bookcase or something. it was very weird. i thought it was the cat, but he was still outside. i have no idea what it was. the wind chimes up on top were actually moving, but they didn't make any noise. i have an extention cord taped to the back of the bookcase, running up to the top, i dunno, maybe it came loose. this happened during a particularly serious moment in our little chat session...and did you know that hank has a bit of a ghost problem in his house? maybe problem isn't the right word. all she does is close doors or moves items once in a while...i don't think i'd like that.


i am SO PISSED that i missed the big whitney houston interview last week! gadfly emailed me this:

"the whitney thing last night was REALLY disturbing and upsetting. you could literally see the grim reaper standing in the background, peering through the window. it was insane."

if anybody taped it, i would dearly love to see it...

speaking of tv, i HATE it when something as corny as "survivor" makes me cry... but that episode last week where the the contestants' loved ones showed up unannounced...well...it really got to me. k. maria, did you shed a tear or two, too?


right this very minute i am looking at the banner for that d-land page that's really just an online store...i wonder if andrew's gonna give 'em the boot. i'm not mentioning the name cuz it really BUGS me. that place has a profile and everything... people left notes about specific entries...it sounds like it was a regular diary, but at the beginning of december it turned into a retail site. i don't get it...

ok, i hate these things...but mel and steve took it, so now it's my turn...

Which Angelina Are You?

ok then, um...haha! well, SOME of that's pretty accurate! jr, care to join in?

as lou reed said, "gimme an issue, i'll give you a tissue, you can wipe my ass with it!" hmmm, do you think him and laurie anderson actually still...um, "do it"? just a thought...

ok, gonna go rustle up some grub...

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