kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002

2nd entry for today...
9:03 p.m.

i added some video clips here this afternoon, from "a summer place" and "female trouble". they kind of sum up how i feel about christmas...i never got my cha-cha heels, either.


wow, the guns n' roses tour has been cancelled...that axl, he got problems. you might have heard how they didn't show up in...was it vancouver? anyway, the same thing happened in philly. 90 minutes after the opening act finished, there was an announcement that g 'n r would not be playing. everyone yelled "axel sucks" and then there was a bit of trouble, the police came, blah, blah, blah.

that axl, he got problems.

i think his new bo derek braids are a little too tight.

and the album is scheduled to come out in february, i'll bet they miss THAT deadline. there's something really wrong going on there. and it's not like i'm a big fan or anything...but it IS interesting.

and let me just say that i think that song by that gal who won "american idol" is the biggest piece of S-H-I-T i've heard in years. i didn't see one second of that show, and boy, if this was the best....


i saw a commercial yesterday, i don't even remember what it was for...but it was that rarest of creatures, a 60-second spot. i didn't realize that you hardly ever see one anymore...it seemed to go on forever! but whatever it was for, it still didn't stick in my head.

and i LOVE that new polaroid ad for the i-zone, the one in the record store where the boy and the girl take pictures of each other with that film that gives you a fortune before the picture develops. his says something like "be very afraid", and hers says "he's the one you're going to marry". and they're both so cute! he looks like beck's kid brother and she's a little emo chick. but, i mean...fortunes? polaroid better come up with something better than that, cuz i heard they were getting very close to going belly-up. instant film is fun...but i think they totally ignored the whole digital thing...

it reminds me of the time i was driving down the street and heard on the radio that smith-corona had gone bankrupt. oh sure, some people still use typewriters...i guess you can even still get carbon paper..ha!, talk about your outmoded platforms.

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