kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Apr. 11, 2003

11:30 p.m.

god, this de-alcoholized merlot...it's SHITE, mates!

many thanks for all the birthday greetings, it was so sweet. (go check out the cake gadfly left in my guestbook...it's hideous. i LOVE it!)

i went out the door this afternoon to find a present on my porch...it's get in the van by henry rollins, a collection of diaries written during his years with that mighty force of nature known as black flag...very, very nice! (oh, i know i've trashed 'ol hank a bit here before...a closet case, a johnny-one-note, etc. but this was written before he became...ya know...HENRY ROLLINS �.) it was from sheila!...a few weeks ago i was in here doing something and i heard something sliding through the mail slot...i thought it was just judi leaving me the newspaper...but no, it was some lemon-glaze cookies and a card, from sheila! so that's twice she's snuck by without me knowing. i need to get down there next week and see them. maggie is 14 now, i won't recognize her!

well, i did a few more things on my list i made a few entries back, but for the most part it was three days of goofing off, napping on the couch, and stuff like that.

so, this morning i had a short dream about the eureka inn...i was in the lobby and there was this group of people, church people i think, getting ready to check out. but the lobby was kind of partially outside, you know how dreams are!

and then this evening i fell asleep reading the rollins book on the couch and had a dream i was in some kind of bar or something, it too was sort of at the eureka inn (well, it was more like someone's living room actually)...it was filled with big comfy couches. i was sitting there with k. maria and jr! there were some acts on stage (comedy central was airing some stand-up comedy while i was sleeping, so i think the audio was seeping into the dream)...somehow cibo matto came up in the conversation and i asked jr "oh, don't you know them?" and i was picturing that k. maria's cd collection was in the next room and i remembered seeing her copy of viva la woman...and then i started singing " i got a chicken, you got to know your chicken", that cibo matto song...oh, but i had been asking k. maria about "sugar water", if she had that song by them, and saying what a great video that was...

isn't it boring hearing about other people's dreams?


see, after i woke up, i was looking through the paper, and there was a picture of all these high school kids running for "ambassador" in connection with a big parade and week-long festival that we have here in may...and jr's little sister was one of the contestants! (i don't know her by sight, but she was listed) and the finals for this contest were being held tonight...at THE EUREKA INN!

i love when shit like like that happens...

ok, what else? went to burger king as planned, bought a steak too, guess i'll have that tomorrow...first steak of the year...god, that sounds weird.

just chatted with steve, he sang happy birthday on my answering machine...that boy, i tell ya...

well, it's raining here now...sounds nice. thanks again for all your kind thoughts. love, michael

(a year older but none the wiser.)

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