kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003

blood makes noise
1:24 p.m.

hey, take a look at the new banner i'm running...it's at the top of my guestbook!

golly, i was sure in a weird mood the last week...not enough blood to some parts of the body, and too much to other parts, i guess!

i'm on my lunch hour, so i thought i'd come home and write for a while...i should be out walking, but maybe me and rob will take a stroll tonght. (rob and i? i can never remember which is correct.)

so, yeah, i guess you could say i have some peter pan issues...re: certain dreams lately, and the whole thing of seeing people my age and thinking "god, they look OLD!" i can't tell with me, cuz, ya know, i see this face every day...

and i guess if it gets a little too gay in here from time to time, well, some people probably skim over that stuff...i'll admit i do the same when someone like roadiepig is writing about his son's baseball games...i mean, just cuz it's teenage boys in tight uniforms doesn't mean i'm automatically interested...even if there's pictures...right?


ok, i'm just gonna ramble here for a bit, and maybe add some stuff tonight...if it gets a bit long...sorry.

i've been thinking about these 2 lines...and if they mean the same thing or not...

"i want to be needed."

"i need to be wanted."

saturday night steve and i were on the phone for almost 4 hrs. he said he considers me a good friend, and i consider him the same. we were shooting pictures back and forth while we were talking...he showed me some old ones...high school, his trip to france, and i worked my way back to this...

that's ME, in the same sink i wash dishes in...well, i have a new sink, but you know what i mean. notice the baby bottle right next to some kind of booze...hmmm.


and speaking of pictures, i kind of hinted around that i really wanted to post some pics of steve and jr in l.a., but they didn't say much about it...oh, privacy, i guess. well, i'm like eric cartman..."i do what i want!" so screw 'em, here's my two favorite shots...

ha! i guess i showed THEM who's the boss! i really love that second one...let's take a closer look, shall we?

awww, too cute!

ok, back to work...later, kids.


11:10 p.m.

ahh, it's late....well, not that late, but i'm gonna call it a night. as usual, i have notes about things to talk about, but it can wait...my VACATION starts friday! nine days off! i have lots of stuff i need to get done...rob said "make a list!" yes, a list...i plan to do chores and stuff the first few days, and THEN have some fun...

oh, and i thought of a cool idea..about getting rid of the truck...but i have to do a little research first. more on that later...

right now i am kissing you lightly on the back of your neck(s)...michael

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