kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, May. 15, 2003

random stuff
4:20 a.m.

a cute little drummer from some local jam band gave me a great smile and a look today with his "thank you" at work...how nice to be taller than someone for a change...made me tingle, though i know it meant nothing.

tonight on conan...a rerun, but re-done in claymation...should be a hoot.

bob finally came by...when i was at work. he tilled about a third of my garden...did his rototiller conk out, or was that all he thought i wanted? too late to call him when i got home, will find out tomorrow. this is typical bob, in a way. it always takes longer than expected, no matter what the task at hand is.

i'm assuming goose is in the area, haven't heard yet. probably going through a bit of culture shock being under parent's roof again. i was outside getting shopping carts around 5:45 p.m. looking UP for his plane...

and it's gonna be weird if his dad wants to take the truck...i feel strange about meeting the folks. i picture them looking at me like some kind of...predator or something...boy-fucker. shit, i just wanna hang out with him and talk music and stuff...maybe take him to lunch, cut off his head, and stick it in the freezer. nothing weird, ya know?

short phone call with steve tonight (only an hour or so), he's going to the biggest rollercoaster in ohio tomorrow...no thanks! him and trevor are chatting, that's so cool.

yesterday at work: showing joyce our "almost porn"...(maxxim, FHM, gear, king, etc.) told her i get some of those, she said "yeah, you only read the articles, right?" i said "actually, yeah." she said "yeah, right!" i said "really." then she mumbled something i didn't hear, but i think she...got it.

sex between two fat people is probably good, cuz, you know, no one's feeling weird about their body. (does that make sense?)

i think i saw two hidden pictures of me in goose's new collage, but i could be wrong....steve couldn't see it...i saw some people in it that weren't there, goose said so, but i didn't see me until he was offline. it's like those stereoscopic pictures, you just relax your vision a bit, i was always able to see those things right away...but what does it mean when i see things that aren't there? can't wait to find out if i was right...

some beautiful dreams last night, architecture, drama, water, (i think) but very dim...recollection goes in and out of cycles....i'm a really good dreamer.

cleared steve's template out my workshop diary location, so maybe i'll start making another one...for practice.

gonna start referring to steve as "ste"...as in beautiful thing...oh, and ste's brother was named TREVOR in that film, too funny.

debbie-at-work's son is named trevvor, with 2 v's...he tells people his parents were on drugs back then...nice.


oh, i won't cut off goose's head, cuz then i'd never get the chance to call him "goose" in front of the parents and REALLY make them wonder...

well, "girls gone wild: snoop dog-style" is on in the background, i guess that means it's time for bed.

bad but not evil, michael

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