kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, May. 26, 2003

end of a long day
1:37 a.m.

no, i don't know those boys pictured in yesterday's entry...it's just that i wish i was in a picture like that.

#6 on yesterday's list knew it was him...but he didn't have an answer. (neither do i! it was theoretical, sweetheart. oooh, and it's so funny to have a straight guy call you "dear"!)

thanks for the pic, d. fuck, you kill me.

and SOMEONE actually thought i might be having...cybersex...or something...with...a friend. nononononoNO! i think you can't do that with friends, only strangers. (not that i HAVE...shut up!)

tomorrow: third day in a row working all alone...am i doing THAT good of a job?

a comment of mine rob called "brilliant": "he's not gonna commit suicide, but he's feeling suicidal."

we've had some great walks/talks lately, more about that later...

cat roasting under his lamp...he's the color of a mink stole in that light...he's not really a black cat at all. twitches in his sleep...which is what i should be doing right now.

re-reading "virtual light" by william gibson...one of my favorites. that image of people taking up residence on the quake-ravaged bay bridge...shacks, cafes and bars, shops...and skinner's room up at the top of one of towers...it's wonderful. i fell asleep last night right at the point where chevette puts the drug in the bad guy's coke can (her and berry are being held at gunpoint in the rv in the abandoned mall) and what happens next is so wild that i'm gonna go get into bed and dig in. i must have read that book 10 times...but i think "mona lisa overdrive" is my REAL favorite..."idoru" is pretty good too.

gibson's still doing his blog, but rumor has it he'll stop once he starts working on his next book...

and rob got me a copy of the "rolling stone encyclopedia of rock and roll"...you can just open it up to any page and be entertained...

steve called... he was going to a "foam party" tonight in columbus...i can't wait for THAT story...

that's all for now...

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