kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, May. 31, 2003

11:31 p.m.

i know, i know...

i can't seem to keep my hands off the 'ol HTML...

but that green was making me a bit nauseous....

steve on the phone last night: "WHAT green? you mean that kinda brownish-green?"


oh, i could have played around with it a bit, and THIS one is still just a variation on the same old theme...but it's even MORE minimal...it's what i want right now.

god, if any of you remember that template i had with the white couch...busy, busy, busy! i DO miss that little cat with the wagging tail...i sure wish i could find that again.

anyhoo, i hope you like this one...the colors are so cool and relaxing... i should be doing a big entry tomorrow night...see ya then - michael

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