kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003

lost in pittsburgh
11:27 p.m.

watched a few minutes of QAF tonight...i haven't seen this season at all. i got so bored with it last season, everyone had become a huge asshole.

uncle vic has a boyfriend!

michael and what's-his-name have taken in some teen hustler kid...they just caught him getting blown by some old man in their living room!

ted's "been through a lot lately" according to emmett...i dunno WHAT that means.

i hate justin's hair.

the hustler kid is turning a trick with the cop that may have killed some other kid...END OF SHOW!

that hustler looks familiar...

god, it all sounds so melodramatic and silly, doesn't it?

i bummed out a few people by not taping the show this year, cuz i got them into it big time.

but yeah...i'm lost!


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