kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 21, 2003

what, again?
2:10 a.m.

ok...welcome to the new joint.

i just wasn't happy with the font on that last template, i never could get it quite the way i wanted it.

the image on the left is a digital painting i did of siren, a work by keith edmier. there's pictures of his stuff and a biography HERE. he just finished a series of works in collaboration with, uh, farrah fawcett, of all people! they have a book out...she's an artist, ya know. she does sculpture, and i think she used to paint with her boobs or something.

well, if i get bored, i can always put the fucking mona lisa over there or something...yes, i think we'll have various art popping up here from time to time, that sounds fun.

oh, shit, i forgot to add my comments thingy...more work for daddy!

love you guys, michael

p.s. - derwin's back! he's all settled in his new place...well done, d.!

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