kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003

3:45 a.m.

remember the kid who hit me in the head with a
bottle of vodka
a few weeks ago?

there's been a couple of different boys i've seen in the store lately who could be him...it's weird.

i'd like to think he wants to make sure i'm alive.

but if you lined up 10 cute tall skinny dark-haired 16 year-old boys, i couldn't pick him out.

i see A LOT of cute tall skinny dark-haired 16 year-old boys.

and i was watching that bottle in his hand. i wasn't...checking him out, ya know?

i still get a bit freaked out thinking about how bad that whole thing could have turned out.

i'm surprised i haven't had any dreams about it.

good god, look at the time!

good night, you sexy bitches...

- michael

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