kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003

who's zoomin' who?
12:42 a.m.

things are good.

digging my new schedule...new stuff to do, invoices, using the telxon gun more...off before 5pm! walking for an hour after work most days.

my weight is GOOD!

i'm walking a little taller this week, after a week of late-night chat and shenanigans over at awc. oh, i'm not gonna go into all that, i hinted at it a little last week...confidence...yeah.

some great people over there, especially max, i feel safe when he's around, cuz i've talked to him the most, i guess. he's in seattle.

talked to travis in vegas over there the other morning, i KNEW he'd be hanging out in skye's room!

(listen, i know a lot of this doesn't mean anything to you, reference-wise...i'm just sort of babbling, ok?)

t. went and got hisself a nice girlfriend...that's so cool. oh, we had an interesting time a few weeks ago, and i'm sure it'll happen again, now that we can see each other.

i'm exploring, ok?

those people are so fucking nice over there...people leave the room and everyone's all "hurry back!"...you pop in, and it's "welcome back!"

i seem to attract bi-curious married men, they PM me and say...stuff.

my money shot, white on black..."artistic", he said.

big mushroom?

no, just small hands. the camera lies and i like it.

we're ALL liars.

it's not real, but the people are. some amazing conversations, far, far away from the sex stuff.

look, it makes me feel...good...about myself.

i said i wasn't gonna go into all that, but...ok. done.

phu's dad is having an operation tomorrow, his eyes...i hope all goes well.

gadfly's stopping his diary...i called him a poopiehead.

steve's in love, oh yes he is! danny drives over from pittsburgh every weekend.

should i just mail that dvd general delivery and hope for the best? leave it with jenny? work with me, boy. you WON'T be sorry. when's your next haircut?

jr, might see you at the play this weekend, ok?

botticelli...(last entry) that sort of came out of nowhere.

the dream was about casey. i told him about it, but left out the part about the bathtub.

some woman tonight on leno during "jaywalking" guessed that neil young was the first man to walk on the moon...

after THAT, all i can say is....


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