kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003

two's day...
11:58 p.m.

meeting casey tomorrow after work for a drink...i think he wants to talk about work...away from work. he's so polite...it's cute. i haven't heard him swear once, and we all curse like the proverbial sailors and/or truckdrivers!

and when i say "drink"...don't worry, i mean an o'doul's or something. oh, but i'd love a real beer, but...nah.

i'm cleaning the house just in case we end up over here and smoke a doob or something...haha, it's been like 10 years...the last time i smoked, i got all anxious and COLD, for cryin' out loud! when i was younger, it was always fun...

we'll see...

going to see ground control again on thursday...i'm gonna talk to casey about it, but i can go alone if i have to...jared the drummer's been in a few times, we're buds now, just like i predicted.

rob and i walked down to 3-2-1 last night, i had italian sausage lasagne and a chai...i think i left my hat down there...

from now on i will now refer to p-rob as rob p., he has the most beautiful italian surname, which i will NOT divulge here! we've been trading more songs back and forth, our own and some other stuff...he liked pinback, i knew he would.

my AWC friend az -> asked me if i wanted to be an ops/moderator for the new chat room he started over there...i looked into it...there's a 12-page pdf file to read, and then they train you, and then you go through a try-out period...oh, it sounds like a lot of bother, actually. but you get to kick people out if they get rude or whatever....nah, i think i'll pass. i'm kinda the #2 man over there already anyway...az goes to kent state, just like steve! that's so funny...

oh, and i put up a profile at gay.com this week...i printed it out and showed casey today, he said it was good...i've been sorta refining it all week...how weird to try to describe what you're "looking for"....rob p. gave me some tips too. the most interesting sounding people usually don't have pictures up, of course.

sheila's taking maggie and some of her friends down to s.f. to see good charlotte this weekend...they saw brooks and dunn last summer! THAT'S covering both ends of the spectrum...

jr sent me another song...good stuff.

someone apologized tonight cuz he thought he'd been "snapping" at me lately...that was sweet, but not neccesary...he just needs a "break"...hehe, private joke, sorry.

i need a break...

all god's children need a break!

ok...that's it for now...

love ya, michael

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