kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Dec. 19, 2003

almost bedtime
2:09 a.m.

ANOTHER crazy day at work...it'll all be over soon.

rob took me to dinner tonight cuz i helped him get his new bookcase headboard up the stairs.

someone down in fortuna stirring up a little shit...hehe, he's got a point!

met a woman named "aloha", isn't that cool?

that japanese kodak guy was cute.

overheard at work...one church lady to another: "he shouldn't be a doctor, he should be a DEAD man!"

caught a peek at a nice hairy calf...who knew?

had some nice visitors during my bannerwhore marathon today...something like 170 visits!

a 60 year old gay grandpa thinks i'm cute.

and why DO i know so many people from ohio? it's odd...steve, azn2e, skeevy, hank...

need to write jeff back...hmmm, maybe coffee or something after the holidays...he'd probably wanna go to fucking starbucks...i'll take him to 3-2-1 and show him how the cool people do it. oh, but how can i get all anti-corporate about starbucks when WE have 3000 stores?

jean was in the store today, and i STILL didn't recognize her, that was silly. she bought our last xmas tree. can't wait to see the studio the boys have put together, might lead to something.

still haven't seen rob p. online, will email him tomorrow if
i don't catch him. miss him something awful, he's so great.

did anyone make a snowflake?

fuck, it's late! tomorrow is friday, well, today is friday, ok, i realize that...THAT'S how late it is...


- m.

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