kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003

what a world
11:37 p.m.

ok, the osbourne's christmas special is on in the background...sharon was in her nightie on top of nick lachey, on the bed. she looks great when she's all dolled up.

i think jack is fatter than ever, and kelly looks bigger too. meeooow, sorry.

there's adbots in the chatrooms at g.com. they pop up in the room, and also private you, it's so weird. i only fell for that once. been going to the chico and fresno rooms, there's lots more people. talked to a cool kid tonight from pasa robles, god that's far. he had pixies and velvet underground references in his profile, so i HAD to say hi of course. nice guy....ha! 19...whatever.

"hey nineteen, that's 'retha franklin
he don't remember the queen of soul"

HA! i must hear that one everyday at work...that's one i like, oh there's some horrible one-hit-wonders sprinkled throughout the day. i can't hear the music if i'm in the department.

i had a great weekend all by myself.

had to reveal a christmas present cuz he just put it on his wishlist, right after i bought the same book a few hours before, and him possibly getting two would be a waste. he goes by "snickers" these days, can you imagine?

finished up my new music diary design under the influence the other night...it's so zen and simple...you'll see it soon. anyone wanna do an album review or something, let me know, ok?

uhm... for cool mid-twentieth century furniture, go HERE...

oh, and casey said something so cool back on thanksgiving, i've been meaning to mention it...for weeks, obviously! something about how he was glad he had himself figured out at 21, glad that he didn't have to be married with kids and then one day realizing..oops! oh, i've said it before, but if i had been out and about at that age, i'd be dead, it was just the time and place... i've been extra careful for a reason, no wait...i guess what i mean to say is, this is my reward for being a good boy...i'm here, that's the reward.

whoa, heavy, man...chill, dude.

but yeah, i love it when we get to really talk. did i mention he MIGHT be going in january after all? it's a bummer, but...it's school, ya know?

steve had a great time in NYC...we chatted for a few, gonna phone this week, probably. i think he fell in love even deeper, he said danny had all sorts of stuff planned. they saw rent, 2nd. row, and matt just about wet his pants over that!

AND i chatted with rob p. too, finally caught up with him. finals last week, god, almost everyone i know around here went through finals...by "here" i mean d-land.

matt's christmas vacation is 6 WEEKS! that's sick!

derwin got the cd i sent, lucinda william's car wheels on a gravel road. i love that song so much.

ego boosts are making the rounds...it should be like a virus, that would be a nice world.

have you seen that picture of the queer eye guys giving saddam a makeover?

i found 2 diaries this weekend by people (devian and gag-factor) who had quit their old ones and i never found out what happened to them till now. that was nice.

i'm stoned, does it show? i'm taking my time, the hand-eye thing is a bit slow.

you know, two years ago i was pretty much waking up with a hangover every morning...i can hardly remember that...it wasn't ME.

i feel good.

life's ok, ya know? i mean it...i'm having a ball. god or whoever is just giving me little tastes of things, it's nice.

ok, THAT sounded stoned!

i just heard the 2nd outkast single, i think it's the other guy, it's good too. are they up for grammies?

god, and it's amazing...on gay.com, all these thuggy lookin' homeboys...they're all just looking for other hot homeboys, it's great.

oh, and those adbots (spambots, i say), they HAVE pictures, but they must have nothing to do with what's behind all that. i mean, i don't think there's someone actually there, it's a machine spamming me, that's all. but it's kind of creepy, still.

adbots, spambots, spybots, FEMBOTS! i love those words.

oh god, i just saw the new christina aquavelva video, oooh, haha! i could write about THAT for the first piece in the new diary....yes, that sounds good right now.

oh, and ya know, i just think coldplay are so boring. they put me to sleep, really.

just got messaged: "go to bed".

just say no...

- m.


postscript: a few minutes later:

DrT: Actually, he died of an Aortic Aneuyrism
mkaro1: yes i read that
mkaro1: i was in bed
mkaro1: haha
DrT: you read it in bed?
mkaro1: it's like the phone ringing
mkaro1: no i was just now in bed
DrT: Oooh
DrT: sorry
DrT: lol
DrT: go back to bed now
mkaro1: haha
mkaro1: it's funny its the future ya know
mkaro1: ok nightnight
DrT: c ya
mkaro1: :)

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